IMG Workshop
Date: Monday and Tuesday, March 22-23
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (both days)
Location: Walnut Creek Marriott
Audience: Users and potential users of the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG)
and IMG with Microbiome Samples (IMG/M) data analysis systems.
2-day workshop with hands-on tutorials on IMG and IMG/M.
JGI 101
Date: Wednesday, March 24
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Walnut Creek Marriott
Audience: Anyone who wants to learn the basics of collaborating with JGI.
This workshop offers an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of JGI sequencing operations and analysis. From writing successful proposals, and how we carry out sequencing projects, to working with sequence data and online tools, participants learn how to get the most out of the JGI. Discussions will include how the production sequencing facility handles samples, sequencing strategies and capacity, and how users can work with JGI to keep projects on track.
IMG 101
Date: Wednesday, March 24
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Walnut Creek Marriott
Audience: Users and potential users of the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG)
and IMG with Microbiome Samples (IMG/M) data analysis systems.
The goals of the IMG 101 are to (1) provide an overview of the MG family systems, especially the latest functionality added and (2) to discuss ongoing developments of analytical tools of IMG in three areas: (a) methods of analysis of genes, genomes and functions/pathways; (b) data quality through internal and community-driven curation efforts; and (c) methods of analysis of metagenomic data.
Eukaryotic Annotation Workshop
Date: Wednesday, March 24
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: Walnut Creek Marriott
Audience: PIs and collaborators of eukaryotic projects with genomes annotated or expected for annotation
in 2010, as well as new members of user communities interested in Community Annotation.
The JGI Genome Portal provides tools for community annotation and analysis of eukaryotic genomes. Over 50 eukaryotic genomes were sequenced and annotated at JGI. The JGI Community Annotation offers tools and support for distributed community-driven genome analysis and manual curation of automatically annotated eukaryotes. The goal of this workshop is to train new members of the user community on how to use the basic functions of the JGI Genome Portal for genome analysis and manual curation of predicted genes and functions. Attendees will learn how to navigate through the genome, analyze gene families and pathways, seach for genes of interest, evaluate gene structures using available evidence and if necessary change them, and assign gene names and functions. This is a hands-on tutorial using laptop computers; please bring your own laptop.
Phytozome Workshop
Date: Wednesday, March 24
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Walnut Creek Marriott
Audience: Users and potential users of the Phytozome plant genomics portal.
The Joint Genome Institute’s Phytozome web portal provides data access and visualization tools for comparative plant genomics. Phytozome integrates a number of widely used Open Source genomics platforms (GBrowse, BioMart, Jalview) with data systems, search, and visualization tools developed at JGI. This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the plant genomic data available at Phytozome, the various “entry points” to the Phytozome portal (e.g, sequence similarity search, functional and keyword search, genome browsing), data retrieval tools, and the types of analyses that are facilitated by Phytozome’s integrated environment.
DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase Workshop
Date: Tuesday, March 23
Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Location: Walnut Creek Marriott
Audience: Researchers interested in providing input for the effective development of the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase. Please register for this workshop
Please note: registration for this meeting is separate from the other workshops.
The DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Science is supporting the development of the Systems Biology Knowledgebase (Kbase) a cyber infrastructure to facilitate a new level of scientific inquiry. To develop a successful open informatics endeavor a series of workshops are being held to include user groups (e.g. plant and microbial genomic researchers, bioinformaticians, computer scientists, database developers, software engineers etc.) and elicit their expectations in regards to the opportunities and requirements to guide the development and management of the Kbase.
The workshops will also address the cultural transition the informatics community will need to make from individual project based efforts toward research community based informatics. The next of these workshops will be held on Tuesday, March 23rd in conjunction with the JGI User Meeting (March 24-26).